NFPA (Fire) 105

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Consult NFPA 105 for the latest coverage of smoke door assembly performance and major updates on provisions for smoke dampers.

NFPA 105, Standard for Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives gives designers, engineers, installers, and contractors the most comprehensive requirements for the performance of required smoke door assemblies and other opening protectives, such as smoke dampers that are intended to limit the spread of smoke.

Recent changes focus primarily on the provisions for smoke dampers. The 2019 edition of NFPA 105 includes:

  • A mandate that smoke damper manufacturer’s installation and maintenance instructions be maintained on-site for new smoke damper installations
  • A new remote inspection method for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of smoke dampers
  • A new requirement that clarifies application of inspection requirements for single inaccessible dampers
  • New requirements updating the process for smoke damper acceptance testing
  • Added Chapter 9 and a new definition defining a new opening protective that applies to smoke-protective curtain assemblies for hoistways

Smoke kills people and damages buildings during a fire. NFPA 105 helps installers, engineers, facility managers, and AHJs verify that smoke doors and other opening protectives are properly maintained and ready to do their job to help protect people and property from deadly smoke hazards. Stay up to date and up to code. (Softbound, Approx. 23 pp., 2019)

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NFPA (Fire) 105

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Trust the new 2016 NFPA 105 for state-of-the-art coverage of smoke door assembly performance.

Smoke is the leading killer in destructive fires, and NFPA 105: Standard for the Installation of Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives gives designers, engineers, installers, and contractors the most comprehensive requirements for the performance of required smoke door assemblies and other opening protectives — such as smoke dampers that are intended to limit the spread of smoke.

Added coverage and updates in the 2016 edition reflect today’s technologies and new information about performance:

  • Reorganized for consistency with NFPA 80: Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives, the 2016 NFPA 105 offers expanded coverage of multiple types of smoke door assemblies and other opening protectives.
  • Revised and renumbered Chapter 5 provides expanded coverage of inspection, testing, and maintenance for different types of smoke doors and three types of testing; operational, acceptance, and periodic.
  • New Chapter 6 presents the first door-specific installation criteria for swinging door assemblies, and new specific language addressing both fire-rated and non-fire-rated smoke door assemblies.
  • Revised provisions for ITM of smoke dampers include new step-by-step provisions for testing and maintenance.
  • New Chapter 8 provides new language on installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of smoke protective curtain assemblies.

Smoke kills people and damages buildings during a fire. Also critical for facilities managers and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs), the 2016 edition of NFPA 105 helps users verify that smoke doors and other opening protectives are properly maintained and ready to do their job to protect people and property from deadly smoke hazards.

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