Product Details
- Published:
- 04/23/2023
- ISBN(s):
- 9781455930609
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 36
- Note:
- This product is unavailable in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus
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NFPA 306 spells out where combustible and flammable materials are present on marine vessels – and safety precautions for entry and work in confined spaces.
Gas hazards present considerable fire protection and life safety issues for marine vessels, shipyards, and waterfront facilities. NFPA 306, Standard for the Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels codifies a set of requirements to mitigate the dangers that may come with concentrations of combustible, flammable, or toxic liquids, gases, chemicals, or vapors.
NFPA 306 is essential for safety before and during work aboard.
The standard prescribes the minimum requirements necessary for entry and work in confined spaces on marine vessels and waterfront facilities. It applies to vessels during construction, alteration, repair, and shipbreaking, as well as land-side confined spaces (whether stationary or mobile) located within the boundaries of the shipyard or vessel repair or other waterfront facility. NFPA 306 requirements also help you determine when a marine chemist is required, how a marine certificate is issued and maintained, and what to expect during an inspection.
Activities that fall within the purview of this standard include:
Revised to closely align with U.S. Coast Guard and OSHA regulations, the 2019 edition presents technical changes such as:
Follow the most comprehensive provisions on gas hazards present on marine vessels and contained within shipyards.
Stay up to date with comprehensive provisions on gas hazards present on marine vessels and within shipyards and waterfront facilities. Order NFPA 306 to help protect your shipyard employees and contractors from injury. (Softbound, 36 pp., 2019)