AWS D8.9M:2012

Recommended Practices for Test Methods for Evaluating the Resistance Spot Welding Behavior of Automotive Sheet Steel Materials
standard by American Welding Society, 02/22/2012

AWS A4.2M:2006

Standard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure Delta Ferrite Content of Austenitic and Duplex Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal (ISO 8249:2000 Mod.)
standard by American Welding Society, 07/10/2006

AWS B2.1-8-308:2016

Standard Welding Procedure Specification for Naval Applications (SWPS-N) for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel (S-8), 1/8 inch [3 mm] through 1-1/2 inch [38 mm] Thick, MIL-3XX, in the As-Welded Condition, Primarily Plate and Structural Naval Applications
standard by American Welding Society, 01/01/2016