AWS C3.5M/C3.5:2016
Specification for Induction Brazing
standard by American Welding Society, 01/01/2016
Specification for Induction Brazing
standard by American Welding Society, 01/01/2016
Specification for Resistance Brazing
standard by American Welding Society, 07/30/2008
Guide to Installation and Maintenance of Resistance Welding Machines
standard by American Welding Society, 08/04/2016
Specification for Welding of Presses and Press Components
standard by American Welding Society, 04/16/2009
Specification for Furnace Brazing
standard by American Welding Society, 09/12/2007
Guide for Joining of Wrought Solid Solution Austenitic Stainless Steels
standard by American Welding Society, 02/02/2009
Specification for Friction Welding of Metals
standard by American Welding Society, 08/08/2006
Structural Welding Code – Steel
standard by American Welding Society, 01/01/1998
Specification for Welding of Tanks, Vessels, and Other Equipment in Sanitary (Hygienic) Applications
standard by American Welding Society, 08/21/2015
Guide for the Joining of Wrought Nickel-Based Alloys
standard by American Welding Society, 2012