Telecom subsystems
standard by NORSOK, 02/15/2010
Telecom subsystems
standard by NORSOK, 02/15/2010
Cathodic protection
standard by NORSOK, 08/25/2016
Common Requirements. Component Identification System
standard by NORSOK, 05/01/1996
Actions and actions effects
standard by NORSOK, 01/20/2017
Telecommunication and IT systems for drillingunits
standard by NORSOK, 02/15/2010
Piping details
standard by NORSOK, 10/01/1996
standard by NORSOK, 08/11/2015
Mechanical equipment
standard by NORSOK, 11/10/1997
Documentation for operation (DFO)
standard by NORSOK, 03/10/1998
Material data sheets for structural steel
standard by NORSOK, 11/27/2008